CDMP certification course

Data & AI
Master DAMA DMBoK and get your certificate! This datamanagement course prepares you for the international dama dmbok certification. Get certified in no time.
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The Training

Course DAMA dmbok certification

The four-day DAMA DMBoK certification (CDMP) training is designed to give you extensive knowledge of data management and the DMBoK. This training prepares you optimally for the CDMP certification exam, which is globally recognized as the most valued certificate in the field of data management.

Content of the Certified DataManagement Professional training

The need for data management within organizations has grown significantly in recent years. Not only due to the desire to make better data-based decisions, also due to more regulations. This training for Certified Data Management Professionals thoroughly prepares you and your organization for effective data management.

Obtain the CDMP certification

The training DAMA DMBoK offers a comprehensive introduction to data management and DMBoK, with the aim of preparing participants for the prestigious CDMP certification. This certificate is widely recognized as the most sought-after international recognition in the field of data management.

  • Thorough preparation for the CDMP exam;
  • In-depth understanding of key data management concepts;
  • Analysis of the relationship between the DAMA knowledge areas and their relevance to your own environment.

Who is this training for?

The CDMP training is aimed at anyone actively involved in data, and the target audience is broad:

Data and Enterprise Architect, Data Steward, Data Manager, Data Officer, BI Consultants and Developers, Data Quality Consultant, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Chief Data Officer, Program Manager, Information Manager, Data Analyst.


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