Foundations of Cyber Security

Data & AI
What are the existing threats in our increasingly digital environment and how to gain control over them.
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One of the most prominent urgencies for organizations nowadays is cyber security. It is no longer a vague concept that we read about on the news, but a real and very plausible threat to all organizations. From advanced attacks leading to entire databases being held hostage for ransom, to an employee opening an attachment from an unknown sender on their laptop that is connected to the main server, it can paralyze entire organizations. Confidential and private information, both internal and from external partners, are up for grabs. Dealing a strong blow to the trust an organization has built amongst their client base and often nullifying years and years of hard work. Not to speak of the large fines they will have to face for the lack of cyber security.

That is why Highberg Academy has developed the program ‘Foundations of Cyber Security’, ensuring organizations are not only aware of the existing threat but also to provide the tools on how to protect ourselves against possible cyber-attacks. The program looks at the existing threats in our increasingly digital environment and how to gain control over them. From there, the program presents you with the tools on how to implement safety measures, from how to go about storing information in the cloud to password protection. The trainers all hail from the field of cyber security and are actively involved in implementing systems in all type of organization and training employees on how to be alert.

Foundations of Cyber Security is available in English & Dutch for In-Company clients. For further information what this program can do for your organization or to receive a quote, reach out to Marjolein Straathof.

Our Open Enrollment program for Foundations of Cyber Security is currently available in Dutch. For further information in Dutch, click below.