Power BI Training for People Analytics | Create Your Own Dashboard

People, Leadership & Culture
Discover the power of Power BI Desktop for People Analytics. Learn to bring data to life and visualize complex relationships with a state-of-the-art dashboard.
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The Training

Do you have various files with employee data but don't know how to link them together? Are you regularly copying and pasting data to conduct analysis? Would you like to have a clear dashboard?

The Power BI Desktop training for People Analytics provides you with the practical tools to extract more information from data. You will learn how to make data speak and build dashboards so that complex relationships become visible.

  • Import data from various sources and automate cleaning actions
  • Adjust data formats (so that sources can match), including handling dates
  • Aggregate data, create new variables, and build data models
  • Create KPIs and more complex variables
  • Create a dashboard in Power BI Desktop

For whom?

This training is ideal for HR professionals who regularly create reports and/or analyses. Or for HR professionals who want to (more) effectively use Power BI Desktop.

Information specialists, HR professionals.

The Program

Day 1

Get started with Power BI Desktop

  • Get to know the Interface

Make your first dashboard

  • Import a file
  • Verify and edit datatypes
  • Add columns to a table
  • Create a lookup table
  • Relationships between tables
  • Create hierarchies
  • Create visualizations
  • Add slices to visualizations

A Step further

  • Importing multiple files
  • Cleaning up data
  • Creating insights from existing data
  • Calculations with DAX forms
  • Visualizing trends
  • Making Dynamic Visualizations
  • Comparing rows

Day 2

A step further (continued)

  • Creating relations with data from different sources
  • Cancelling a pivot table

Absentee data with Power BI Desktop

  • Transforming dates
  • Table joins
  • Aggregating sick-leave and calendar days
  • Calculating absentee ratio
  • YtD calculations
  • Calculating rolling absenteeism
  • Creating visualizations

Other analyses

  • Calculating eNPS with DAX
  • Combining eNPS and various variables
  • Regression- and additional analysis
  • Simulation and forecasting


  • The course costs are 1,290.00 euros (ex. VAT). Price includes beverages, tussendoortjes and an extensive lunch buffet.
  • If you wish to refer a colleague, please ask about the referal bonus!

In-company training can also be offered, please contact us for a proposal.


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Please read the terms and conditions. You will be required to agree with these at enrollment, make sure you have given them due attention.